G and M Codes List in CNC Machining | MachineMFG (2025)

Table of Contents
What is G-code? What is M-code? G and M Codes List 1. FANUC lathe G-code 2. FANUC milling machine G code 3. FANUC M code 4. Siemens milling machine G code 5. Siemens 802S / CMfixed cycle 6. Siemens 802DM/ 810 / 840DMfixed cycle 7. Siemens lathe G code 8. SIEMENS 801, 802S/CT,802SeTfixed cycle 9. SIEMENS 802D, 810D/840D fixed cycle 10. HNC lathe G code 11. HNC lathe machine G code 12. HNC milling machine G code 13. HNC M code 14. KND 100 milling machine G code 15. KND 100 lathe G code 16. KND 100 M code 17. GSK980 lathe G code 18. GSK980T Minstruction 19. GSK928 TC / TE G code 20. GSK928 TC / TEM code 21. GSK990M GCode 22. GSK990M Mcode 23. GSK928MA G-code 24. GSK928MAMcode 25. Mitsubishi E60 milling machine G code 26. DASEN3I milling machine G code 27. DASEN3I lathe G code 28. Huaxing lathe G code 29. Huaxing lathe M code 30. Huaxing milling machine G code 31. Huaxing milling machine M code 32. Renhe 32T Gcode 33. Renhe 32T M code 34. SKY 2003N M G-code 35. SKY 2003N M Mcode Variations Across Different CNC Machines Types of CNC Machines by Number of Axes Machine Configurations Specialized Features Variations in G and M Codes Integration with CAD/CAM Software Definition and Workflow Benefits of Integrated CAD/CAM Systems Automation of Manufacturing Processes Integrated Validation Tools Enhanced Efficiency and Reduced Training Time Case Studies and Practical Applications Frequently Asked Questions What are G codes and M codes in CNC machining? How do G codes control the motion of a CNC machine? What are some common examples of M codes? How do G and M codes vary between different CNC machines? Can CAD/CAM software generate G and M codes automatically? What is the importance of understanding G and M codes for CNC programming? How do you select the appropriate G-codes and M-codes for programming based on different CNC systems? In practical CNC machining, how can G-codes and M-codes be effectively combined to enhance machining efficiency and precision?

In CNC machining, G-codes and M-codes are two fundamental programming commands used to control the movement and functionality of machine tools.

G-code, also known as “geometric code” or “preparatory code,” is primarily used to define the motion and positioning of the cutting tool. These codes instruct the machine on how to move, such as rapid motion (G00), linear interpolation (G01), and circular interpolation (G02 and G03), among others.

On the other hand, M-code, also known as “miscellaneous code,” controls various functions of the machine tool, such as spindle rotation, coolant flow adjustment, and tool change. Each G and M code is usually followed by a number representing a specific function or command.

The existence of G-codes and M-codes enables CNC machine tools to perform complex machining tasks. By precise programming instructions, they control the actions of the machine tool, resulting in high precision and high-quality machining effects.

Different combinations of G and M codes can complete various machining operations, including but not limited to drilling, milling, and turning. However, it’s important to note that different manufacturers’ CNC systems may have variations in the specific meanings and applications of these codes. Therefore, reference to the specific machine tool’s operating manual or consultation with the manufacturer is necessary to ensure correct application.

In summary, G-codes and M-codes are indispensable parts of CNC machining. Together, they form the programming language of CNC machine tools, making the mechanical machining process more flexible and efficient. Mastery of these codes’ meanings and applications is crucial for CNC programmers.

What is G-code?

G-code (also known as RS-274) is the most widely used numerical control (NC) programming language in computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). It serves as a standardized set of instructions for controlling automated machine tools, including CNC mills, lathes, 3D printers, and other computer-controlled manufacturing equipment.

Developed in the 1950s by the Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA), G-code has evolved through various versions and implementations. Despite its name, G-code encompasses not only “G” commands (preparatory functions) but also “M” codes (miscellaneous functions), coordinate values, and other parameters that collectively form a comprehensive machine control language.

Key features and applications of G-code include:

  1. Motion control: Rapid positioning, linear and circular interpolation, and complex path generation.
  2. Tool management: Selecting tools, controlling spindle speeds, and managing coolant systems.
  3. Coordinate systems: Defining work coordinates and performing coordinate transformations.
  4. Program flow: Implementing loops, subroutines, and conditional statements.
  5. Machine-specific functions: Controlling unique features of different machine tools.

G-code instructions typically follow a structured format, with each line representing a single command or set of parameters. For example:

G01 X100 Y50 F500

This instruction directs the machine to move linearly (G01) to the X-coordinate of 100mm and Y-coordinate of 50mm at a feed rate of 500mm/minute.

While G-code remains the industry standard, modern CAM software often generates G-code automatically from 3D models and toolpath strategies, simplifying the programming process for complex parts. However, understanding G-code fundamentals remains crucial for optimizing machining processes, troubleshooting, and fine-tuning automated manufacturing operations.

What is M-code?

M-code, short for Miscellaneous code, is a crucial component of CNC (Computer Numerical Control) programming, specifically defined as an auxiliary function code in FANUC and other control systems. These codes play a vital role in controlling various non-axis movement functions of the machine tool, complementing G-codes which primarily handle motion and cutting operations.

M-codes are used to command auxiliary operations that are essential for the overall machining process but do not directly involve the movement of cutting tools or workpiece positioning. These functions can include:

  1. Coolant control (e.g., M08 for coolant on, M09 for coolant off)
  2. Spindle operations (e.g., M03 for spindle clockwise, M04 for counterclockwise, M05 for spindle stop)
  3. Tool changes (e.g., M06 for automatic tool change)
  4. Program flow control (e.g., M00 for program stop, M01 for optional stop)
  5. Pallet changes (e.g., M60 in some systems)
  6. Special machine functions (e.g., M21, M22 for custom operations specific to a particular machine)

The implementation and specific functions of M-codes can vary slightly between different machine manufacturers and control systems, although many standard codes are widely recognized across platforms. Proper use of M-codes is essential for efficient and safe operation of CNC machines, allowing for precise control over various machine functions throughout the manufacturing process.

G and M Codes List

1. FANUC lathe G-code

G00Positioning (fast moving)
G01Linear cutting
G02Clockwise arc cutting (CW, clockwise)
G03Counterclockwise tangential positioning (fast moving) arc (CCW, counter clock)
G04Pause (dwel1)
G09Stop at the exact position
G20Imperial input
G21Metric input
G22Internal travel effective limit
G23Invalid internal travel limit
G27Check reference point return
G28Reference point return
G29Return from reference point
G30Return to the second reference point
G32Thread cutting
G40Cancel tool tip radius offset
G41Nose radius offset (left)
G42Nose radius offset (right)
G50Modify workpiece coordinates; Sets the maximum rpm of the spindle
G52Set local coordinate system
G53Select machine coordinate system
G70Finishing cycle
G71Internal and external diameter rough cutting cycle
G72Step rough cutting cycle
G73Forming repeat cycle
G74Z-step drilling
G75X-direction grooving
G76Thread cutting cycle
G80Cancel fixed cycle
G83Drilling cycle
G84Tapping cycle
G85Front boring cycle
G87Side drilling cycle
G88Side tapping cycle
G89Side boring cycle
G90(inside and outside diameter) cutting cycle
G92Thread cutting cycle
G94(step) cutting cycle
G96Constant linear speed control
G97Constant linear speed control cancelled
G98Feed rate per minute
G99Feed rate per revolution

2. FANUC milling machine G code

G00Top position (rapid movement) positioning (rapid movement)
G01Linear cutting
G02Clockwise circular arc
G03Counterclockwise tangent arc
G15/G16Polar command
G17XY face assignment
G18XZ face assignment
G19YZ face assignment
G28Machine return to origin
G30The machine returns to the 2nd and 3rd origin
*G40Cancel tool diameter offset
G41Tool diameter left offset
G42Tool diameter right offset
*G43Tool length + direction offset
*G44Tool length offset in one direction
G49Cancel tool length offset
*G53Machine coordinate system selection
G54Workpiece coordinate system 1 Selection
G55Workpiece coordinate system 2 selection
G56Workpiece coordinate system 3 selection
G57Workpiece coordinate system 4 selection
G58Workpiece coordinate system 5 Selection
G59Workpiece coordinate system 6 selection
G73High speed deep hole drilling cycle
G74Left spiral cutting cycle
G76Fine boring cycle
*G80Cancel fixed cycle
G81Center drilling cycle reverse boring cycle
G82Reverse boring cycle
G83Deep hole drilling cycle
G84Right spiral cutting cycle
G85Boring cycle
G86Boring cycle
G87Reverse boring cycle
G88Boring cycle
G89Boring cycle
*G90Use absolute value command
G91Use incremental value command
G92Set workpiece coordinate system
*G98Fixed cycle return to starting point

3. FANUC M code

M00Program stop
M01Select Stop
M02Program end (reset)
M03Spindle forward rotation (CW)
M04Spindle reversal (CCW)
M05Spindle stop
M06Change knife
M08Cutting fluid on
M09Cutting fluid off
M30Return to the beginning of the program (reset) and end
M48Cancel spindle overload does not work
M49Spindle overload cancellation function
M94Image cancellation
M95X-coordinate mirror image
M96Y-coordinate mirror image
M98Subroutine call
M99End of subroutine

4. Siemens milling machine G code

DTool complement number
FFeed rate (dwell time can be programmed with G4)
GG function (prepare function word)
GOFast move
G1Linear interpolation
G2Clockwise circular interpolation
G3Counterclockwise circular interpolation
CIPMiddle point arc interpolation
G33Thread cutting with constant pitch
G331Cutting internal thread without compensation fixture
G332Cutting internal thread without compensation fixture. Retract knife
CTTransition arc interpolation with tangent
G4Fast move
G63Fast move
G74Back to the reference point
G75Fixed point
G25Lower limit of spindle speed
G26Upper limit of spindle speed
G110Pole size, relative to the last programmed set position
G110Pole size, relative to the zero point of the current workpiece coordinate system
G120Pole size, relative to the last valid pole
G17*X / Y plane
G18Z / X plane
G19Y / Z plane
G40Cancellation of tool tip radius compensation
G41The tool tip radius compensation is called, and the tool moves on the left side of the contour
G42The tool tip radius compensation is called, and the tool moves on the right side of the contour
G500Cancel settable zero offset
G54First settable zero offset
G55Second, the zero offset can be set
G56Third, the zero offset can be set
G57Fourth, the zero offset can be set
G58Fifth, the zero offset can be set
G59Sixth, the zero offset can be set
G53Cancel by program segment to set zero offset
G60*Accurate positioning
G70Inch size
G71*Metric size
G700Inch size, also used for feed rate F
G710Metric size, also used for feed rate F
G90*Absolute size
G91Incremental size
G94*Feed rate F in mm / min
G95Spindle feed rate F, in mm / revolution
G901Feed compensation “on” in arc segment
G900Feed compensation “off”
G450Arc transition
G451Intersection of equidistant lines
IInterpolation parameters
JInterpolation parameters
KInterpolation parameters
I1Middle point of circular interpolation
J1Middle point of circular interpolation
K1Middle point of circular interpolation
LSubroutine name and subroutine call
MAuxiliary function
MOProgram stop
M1The program stops conditionally
M2Program end
M3The spindle rotates clockwise
M4The spindle rotates counterclockwise
M5Spindle stop
M6Tool change
NSubroutine segment
:Main program segment
PNumber of subroutine calls
RETEnd of subroutine
SSpindle speed, which indicates pause time in G4
TTool number
XCoordinate axis
YCoordinate axis
ZCoordinate axis
CALLLoop call
CHFChamfer, general use
CHRChamfer contour line
CRCircular interpolation radius
GOTOBBackward jump instruction
GOTOFForward jump command

5. Siemens 802S / CMfixed cycle

LCYC82Drilling and counterbore processing
LCYC83Deep hole drilling
LCYC840Thread cutting with compensation fixture
LCYC84Thread cutting without compensation fixture
LCYC60Linear hole arrangement
LCYC61Circular hole arrangement
LCYC75Rectangular groove, keyway, circular groove milling

6. Siemens 802DM/ 810 / 840DMfixed cycle

CYCLE82Central drilling
CYCLE83Deep hole drilling
CYCLE84Sexual tapping
CYCLE88Boring with stop
CYCLE71End milling
LONG HOLEA rectangular hole in an arc
POCKE T4Annular groove milling
POCKE T3Rectangular groove milling
SLOT1Keyway on an arc
SLOT2Circular groove

7. Siemens lathe G code

DTool complement number
FFeed rate (dwell time can be programmed with G4)
GG function (prepare function word)
GOFast move
G1Linear interpolation
G2Clockwise circular interpolation
G3Counterclockwise circular interpolation
G33Thread cutting with constant pitch
G4Fast move
G63Fast move
G74Back to the reference point
G75Fixed point
G17(required when machining center hole)
G18*Z / X plane
G40Cancellation of tool tip radius compensation
G41The tool tip radius compensation is called, and the tool moves on the left side of the contour
G42The tool tip radius compensation is called, and the tool moves on the right side of the contour
G500Cancel settable zero offset
G54First settable zero offset
G55Second, the zero offset can be set
G56Third, the zero offset can be set
G57Fourth, the zero offset can be set
G58Fifth, the zero offset can be set
G59Sixth, the zero offset can be set
G53Cancel by program segment to set zero offset
G70Inch size
G71*metric size
G90*Absolute size
G91Incremental size
G94*Feed rate f in mm / min
G95Spindle feed rate F, in mm / revolution
IInterpolation parameters
I1Middle point of circular interpolation
K1Middle point of circular interpolation
LSubroutine name and subroutine call
MAuxiliary function
MOProgram stop
M1The program stops conditionally
M2Program end
M3The spindle rotates clockwise
M4The spindle rotates counterclockwise
M5Spindle stop
M6Tool change
NSubroutine segment
:Main program segment
PNumber of subroutine calls
RETEnd of subroutine
SSpindle speed, which indicates pause time in G4
TTool number
XCoordinate axis
YCoordinate axis
ZCoordinate axis
ARCircular interpolation angle
CALLLoop call
CHFChamfer, general use
CHRChamfer contour line
CRCircular interpolation radius
GOTOBBackward jump instruction
GOTOFForward jump command

8. SIEMENS 801, 802S/CT,802SeTfixed cycle

LCYC82Drilling and counterbore processing
LCYC83Deep hole drilling
LCYC840Thread cutting with compensation fixture
LCYC84Thread cutting without compensation fixture
LCYC93Grooving cycle
LCYC95Blank cutting cycle
LCYC97Thread cutting

9. SIEMENS 802D, 810D/840D fixed cycle

CYCLE71Plane milling
CYCLE82Central drilling
YCLE83Deep hole drilling
CYCLE84Rigid tapping
CYCLE88Boring with stop
CYCLE94Undercut shape E.F
CYCLE95Blank cutting
CYCLE97Thread cutting

10. HNC lathe G code

G00Positioning (fast moving)
G01Linear cutting
G02Clockwise arc cutting (CW, clockwise)
G03Counter clockwise arc cutting (CCW, counter clock)
G04Pause (dwel1)
G09Stop at the exact position
G20Imperial input
G21Metric input
G22The internal travel limit is valid
G23Invalid internal travel limit
G27Check reference point return
G28Reference point return
G29Return from reference point
G30Return to the second reference point
G32Thread cutting
G36Diameter programming
G37Radius programming
G40Cancel tool tip radius offset
G41>Nose radius offset (left)
G42Nose radius offset (right)
G53Direct machine coordinate system programming
G54-G59Coordinate system selection
G71Internal and external diameter rough cutting cycle
G72Step rough cutting cycle
G73Closed loop turning compound cycle
G76Thread cutting cycle
G80Internal and external diameter cutting cycle
G81Fixed cycle of face turning
G82Thread cutting fixed cycle
G90Absolute value programming
G91Incremental value programming
G92Workpiece coordinate system setting
G96Constant linear speed control
G97Constant linear speed control cancelled
G94Feed rate per minute
G95Feed rate per revolution

11. HNC lathe machine G code

G CodeExplain
G00Positioning (fast moving)
G01Linear cutting
G02Clockwise arc cutting (CW, clockwise)
G03Counter clockwise arc cutting (CCW, counter clock)
G04Pause (dwell)
G09Stop at the exact position
G20Imperial input
G21Metric input
G22The internal travel limit is valid
G23Invalid internal travel limit
G27Check reference point return
G28Reference point return
G29Return from reference point
G30Return to the second reference point
G32Thread cutting
G36Diameter programming
G37Radius programming
G40Cancel tool tip radius offset
G41>Nose radius offset (left)
G42Nose radius offset (right)
G53Direct machine coordinate system programming
G54—G59Coordinate system selection
G71Internal and external diameter rough cutting cycle
G72Step rough cutting cycle
G73Closed loop turning compound cycle
G76Thread cutting cycle
G80Internal and external diameter cutting cycle
G81Fixed cycle of face turning
G82Thread cutting fixed cycle
G90Absolute value programming
G91Incremental value programming
G92Workpiece coordinate system setting
G96Constant linear speed control
G97Constant linear speed control cancelled
G94Feed rate per minute
G95Feed rate per revolution

12. HNC milling machine G code

G00Positioning (fast moving)
G01Linear cutting
G02Clockwise circular arc
G03Counterclockwise tangent arc
G07Virtual axis assignment
G09Quasi stop verification
*G17XY face assignment
G18XZ face assignment
G19YZ face assignment
G20Inch input
*G21Mm input
G22Pulse equivalent
G24Mirror on
*G25Mirror off
G28Return to reference point
G29Return from reference point
*G40Cancel tool diameter offset
G41Tool diameter left offset
G42Tool length + direction offset
G43Tool length + direction offset
G44Tool length offset in one direction
*G49Cancel tool length offset
*G50Zoom off
G51Retract and release
G52Local coordinate system setting
G53Direct machine coordinate system programming
*G54Workpiece coordinate system 1 Selection
G55Workpiece coordinate system 2 selection
G56Workpiece coordinate system 3 selection
G57Workpiece coordinate system 4 selection
G58Workpiece coordinate system 5 Selection
G59Workpiece coordinate system 6 selection
G60Unidirectional positioning
*G61Precise stop verification method
G64Continuous mode
G68Rotation transformation
*G69Rotation cancel
G73High speed deep hole drilling cycle
G74Left spiral cutting cycle
G76Fine boring cycle
*G80Cancel fixed cycle
G81Central drilling cycle
G82Reverse boring cycle
G83Deep hole drilling cycle
G84Right spiral cutting cycle
G85Boring cycle
G86Boring cycle
G87Reverse boring cycle
G88Boring cycle
G89Boring cycle
*G90Use absolute value command
G91Using the increment command
G92Set workpiece coordinate system
*G94Feed per minute
G95Feed per revolution
*G98Fixed cycle return to starting point
G99Return to fixed cycle R point

13. HNC M code

M00Program stop
M01Select Stop
M02Program end (reset)
M03Spindle forward rotation (CW)
M04Spindle reversal (CCW)
M05Spindle stop
M06Change knife
M07Cutting fluid on
M09Cutting fluid off
M98Subroutine call
M99End of subroutine

14. KND 100 milling machine G code

G001Positioning (fast moving)
G01Linear cutting
G02Clockwise circular arc
G03Counterclockwise tangent arc
G172XY face assignment
G18XZ face assignment
G19YZ face assignment
G280Machine return to origin
G29Return from reference point
*G407Cancel tool diameter offset
G41Tool diameter left offset
G42Tool diameter right offset
*G438Tool length + direction offset
*G44Tool length offset in one direction cancels the tool length offset
G49Cancel tool length offset
*G5314machine tool coordinate system selection
G54workpiece coordinate system 1 Selection
G55workpiece coordinate system 2 selection
G56workpiece coordinate system 3 selection
G57workpiece coordinate system 4 selection
G58workpiece coordinate system 5 Selection
G59workpiece coordinate system 6 selection
G739high speed deep hole drilling cycle
G74left spiral cutting cycle
G76fine boring cycle
*G80cancel fixed cycle
G81drilling cycle (spot drilling)
G82drilling cycle (boring stepped holes)
G83deep hole drilling cycle
G84tapping cycle
G85boring cycle
G86borehole circulation
G87reverse boring cycle
G88boring cycle
G89boring cycle
*G903use absolute value command
G91use incremental value command
G920set workpiece coordinate system
*G9810fixed cycle return to starting point
*G99return to fixed cycle r point

15. KND 100 lathe G code

G001Positioning (fast moving)
G01Linear cutting
G02Clockwise arc cutting (CW, clockwise)
G03Counter clockwise arc cutting (CCW, counter clock)
G040Pause (dwe11)
G10Offset value setting
G206Imperial input
G21Metric input
G270Check reference point return
G28Reference point return
G29Return from reference point
G31Jumping function
G321Thread cutting
G36X-axis automatic tool deviation setting
G37Z-axis automatic tool deviation setting
G407Cancel tool tip radius offset
G41Nose radius offset (left)
G42Nose radius offset (right)
G500Coordinate system setting
G54Workpiece coordinate system
G55—G59Workpiece coordinate system
G700Finishing cycle
G71Internal and external diameter rough cutting cycle
G72Step rough cutting cycle
G73Forming repeat cycle
G74End face deep hole machining cycle
G75Outer circle and inner circle cutting cycle
G76Thread cutting cycle
G901(inside and outside diameter) cutting cycle
G92Thread cutting cycle
G94(step) cutting cycle
G9612Constant linear speed control
G97Constant linear speed control cancelled
G985Feed rate per minute
G99Feed rate per revolution

16. KND 100 M code

M00Program stop
M01Select Stop
M02Program end (reset)
M03Spindle forward rotation (CW)
M04Spindle reversal (CCW)
M05Spindle stop
M06Change knife
M08Cutting fluid on
M09Cutting fluid off
M32Lubrication on
M33Lubrication off
M99End of subroutine

17. GSK980 lathe G code

G001Positioning (fast moving)
*G01Linear interpolation (cutting feed)
G02Arc interpolation CW (clockwise)
G03Circular interpolation CCW (counterclockwise)
G040Pause, quasi stop
G28Return to reference point
G321Thread cutting
G500Coordinate system setting
G65Macro program command
G700Finishing cycle
G71Outer circle rough turning cycle
G72End rough turning cycle
G73Closed cutting cycle
G74End face deep hole machining cycle
G75Outer circle, inner circle, grooving cycle
1Outer circle, inner circle, turning cycle
G92Thread cutting cycle
End cutting cycle
G962Constant linear speed on
G97Constant linear speed off
*G983Feed per minute
G99Feed per revolution

18. GSK980T Minstruction

M03Spindle forward rotation
M04Spindle reversal
M05Spindle stop
M08Coolant on
M09Coolant off (no output signal)
M32Lubrication on
M33Lubrication off (no output signal)
M11Spare tip (no signal output)
M00The program is suspended. Press the ‘cycle start’ program to continue
M30The program ends and returns to the beginning

19. GSK928 TC / TE G code

G00Positioning (fast moving)
*G01Linear interpolation (cutting feed)
G02Arc interpolation CW (clockwise)
G03Circular interpolation CCW (counterclockwise)
G32Tapping circulation
G33Thread cutting
G71Outer circle rough turning cycle
G72End rough turning cycle
G74End face deep hole machining cycle
G75Outer circle, inner circle, grooving cycle
G90Outer circle, inner circle, turning cycle
G92Thread cutting cycle
G94Outer circle inner conical surface circulation
G22Local cycle start
G80End of local cycle
*G98Feed per minute
G99Feed per revolution
G50Set workpiece absolute coordinate system
G2610. Z-axis back reference
G27X-axis back to reference point
G29Z axis back to reference point

20. GSK928 TC / TEM code

M03Spindle forward rotation
M04Spindle reversal
M05Spindle stop
M08Coolant on
M09Coolant off (no output signal)
M32Lubrication on
M33Lubrication off (no output signal)
M11Spare tip (no signal output)
MOOProgram pause, press’ cycle start ‘program to continue
M30The program ends and returns to the beginning

21. GSK990M GCode

G001Positioning (fast moving)
G01Linear cutting
G02Clockwise circular arc
G03Counterclockwise tangent arc
G172XY face assignment
G18XZ face assignment
G19YZ face assignment
G280Machine return to origin
G29Return from reference point
*G407Cancel tool diameter offset
G41Tool diameter left offset
G42Tool diameter right offset
*G438Tool length + direction offset
*G44Tool length minus direction offset
G49Cancel tool length offset
*G5314machine tool coordinate system selection
G54workpiece coordinate system 1 Selection
G55workpiece coordinate system 2 selection
G56workpiece coordinate system 3 selection
G57workpiece coordinate system 4 selection
G58workpiece coordinate system 5 Selection
G59workpiece coordinate system 6 selection
G739high speed deep hole drilling cycle
G74left spiral cutting cycle
G76fine boring cycle
*G80cancel fixed cycle
G81drilling cycle (spot drilling)
G82drilling cycle (boring stepped holes)
G83deep hole drilling cycle
G84tapping cycle
G85boring cycle
G86borehole circulation
G87reverse boring cycle
G88boring cycle
G89boring cycle
*G903use absolute value command
G91use incremental value command
G920set workpiece coordinate system
*G9810fixed cycle return to starting point
*G99return to fixed cycle r point

22. GSK990M Mcode

M00Program stop
M01Select Stop
M02Program end (reset)
M03Spindle forward rotation (CW)
M04Spindle reversal (CCW)
M05Spindle stop
M06Change knife
M08Cutting fluid on
M09Cutting fluid off
M32Lubrication on
M33Lubrication off
M98Subroutine call
M99End of subroutine

23. GSK928MA G-code

G00Positioning (fast moving)
G1Linear cutting
G02Clockwise circular arc
G03Counterclockwise tangent arc
G04Delay waiting
G17XY face assignment
G18XZ face assignment
G19YZ face assignment
G28Machine return to origin
G29Return from reference point
*G40Cancel tool diameter offset
G41Tool diameter left offset
G42Tool diameter right offset
*G43Tool length + direction offset
*G44Tool length offset in one direction
G49Cancel tool length offset
*G53Machine coordinate system selection
G54Workpiece coordinate system 1 Selection
G55Workpiece coordinate system 2 selection
G56Workpiece coordinate system 3 selection
G57Workpiece coordinate system 4 selection
G58Workpiece coordinate system 5 Selection
G59Workpiece coordinate system 6 selection
G73High speed deep hole drilling cycle
G74Left spiral cutting cycle
G80Cancel fixed cycle
G81Drilling cycle (spot drilling)
G82Drilling cycle (boring stepped holes)
G83Deep hole drilling cycle
G84Right tapping circulation
G85Boring cycle
G86Drilling cycle
G89Boring cycle
*G90Use absolute value command
G91Use incremental value command
G92Set floating coordinate system
*G98Fixed cycle return to starting point
*G99Return to fixed cycle r point
G10G11Rough milling in circular groove
G12G13Full circle internal finish milling
G14G15Cylindrical finish milling
G22System parameter operation (mode)
G23Parameter value jump
G27Mechanical zero point detection
G28Quickly locate the program through the middle point
G31Quick return to R datum
G34G35Finish milling in rectangular groove
G38G39Rectangular external finish milling

24. GSK928MAMcode

M2The program ends and stops. Stop the spindle, turn off the coolant, eliminate the G93 coordinate offset and tool offset, and return to the starting program section (not running). After executing M2, the system will switch to the reference workpiece coordinate system.
M3Spindle forward rotation
M4Spindle reversal
M5Stop spindle
M8Turn on the cooling pump
M9Turn off the cooling pump
M12Pause: wait for the “run” key to continue running (press the emergency stop key to stop)
M30At the end of the program, eliminate the tool offset and return to the starting program segment (not running). After executing M30, the system will switch to the reference workpiece coordinate system.
M32Lubrication on;
M33Lubrication off;
M98Call subroutine
M99Subroutine end return

25. Mitsubishi E60 milling machine G code

※G001Position positioning (rapid feed)
*G01Straight line repair
G02Clockwise arc cutting (CW)
G03Counterclockwise arc cutting (CCW)
G05High speed machining mode
G09Stop the check correctly
G10Program parameter input / correction input
G11Program parameter input cancel
G12Circular cutting CW
G13Circular cutting CCW
*G172Plane selection X-Y
※G18Plane selection z-x
G19Plane selection Y-Z
※G206Imperial directive
G21Metric instruction
G270Reference origin check
G28Reference origin reset
G29Start point reset
G30The 2nd ~ 4th reference origin reset
G31Jumping function
G331Thread cutting
G370Automatic tool length measurement
G38Tool diameter correction vector assignment
G39Angle arc correction tool
*G407Tool diameter correction cancellation
G41Tool diameter correction left
G42Tool diameter correction right
G438Tool length correction (+)
G44Tool length correction (I)
*G49Tool length correction quantity cancellation
G520Local coordinate system setting
G53Selection of mechanical coordinate system
*G5412Workpiece coordinate system 1 Selection
G5512Workpiece coordinate system 2 selection
G56Workpiece coordinate system 3 selection
G57Workpiece coordinate system 4 selection
G58Workpiece coordinate system 5 Selection
G59Workpiece coordinate system 6 selection
G600Unidirectional position positioning
G6113Make sure to stop the inspection mode
G62Automatic angle feed rate adjustment
G63Tapping mode
*G64Cutting mode
G739Fixed cycle (step cycle)
G74Fixed circulation (reverse tapping)
G76Fixed cycle (fine boring)
*G80Fixed cycle cancellation
G81Fixed circulation (drilling / lead hole)
G82Fixed cycle (drilling / counter boring)
G83Fixed circulation (deep drilling)
G84Fixed circulation (tapping)
G85Fixed cycle (boring)
G86Fixed cycle (boring)
G87Fixed cycle (reverse boring)
G88Fixed cycle (boring)
G89Fixed cycle (boring)
*G903Absolute value instruction
*G91Incremental value instruction
G920Mechanical coordinate system setting
G935Counterclockwise feed
*G94Asynchronous cutting (feed per minute)
*G95Simultaneous cutting (feed for each drilling)
*G9617The cycle speed must be controlled effectively
*G97The cycle speed control must be invalid
*G9810Fixed cycle starting point reset
G99Fixed cycle r-point reset

26. DASEN3I milling machine G code

G001Position positioning (rapid feed)
*G01Straight line repair
G02Clockwise arc cutting (CW)
G03Counterclockwise arc cutting (CCW)
G05High speed machining mode
G09Stop the check correctly
G10Program parameter input / correction input
G11Program parameter input cancel
G12Circular cutting CW
G13Circular cutting CCW
*G172Plane selection X-Y
※G18Plane selection z-x
G19Plane selection Y-Z
※G206Imperial directive
G21Metric instruction
G270Reference origin check
G28Reference origin reset
G29Start point reset
G30The 2nd ~ 4th reference origin reset
G31Jumping function
G331Thread cutting
G370Automatic tool length measurement
G38Tool diameter correction vector assignment
G39Angle arc correction tool
*G407Tool diameter correction cancellation
G41Tool diameter correction left
G42Tool diameter correction right
G438Tool length correction (+)
G44Tool length correction (I)
*G49Tool length correction quantity cancellation
G520Local coordinate system setting
G53Selection of mechanical coordinate system
*G5412Workpiece coordinate system 1 Selection
G5512Workpiece coordinate system 2 selection
G56Workpiece coordinate system 3 selection
G57Workpiece coordinate system 4 selection
G58Workpiece coordinate system 5 Selection
G59Workpiece coordinate system 6 selection
G600Unidirectional position positioning
G6113Make sure to stop the inspection mode
G62Automatic angle feed rate adjustment
G63Tapping mode
*G64Cutting mode
G739Fixed cycle (step cycle)
G74Fixed circulation (reverse tapping)
G76Fixed cycle (fine boring)
*G80Fixed cycle cancellation
G81Fixed circulation (drilling / lead hole)
G82Fixed cycle (drilling / counter boring)
G83Fixed circulation (deep drilling)
G84Fixed circulation (tapping)
G85Fixed cycle (boring)
G86Fixed cycle (boring)
G87Fixed cycle (reverse boring)
G88Fixed cycle (boring)
G89Fixed cycle (boring)
*G903Absolute value instruction
*G91Incremental value instruction
G920Mechanical coordinate system setting
G935Counterclockwise feed
*G94Asynchronous cutting (feed per minute)
*G95Simultaneous cutting (feed for each drilling)
*G9617The cycle speed must be controlled effectively
*G97The cycle speed control must be invalid
*G9810Fixed cycle starting point reset
G99Fixed cycle r-point reset

27. DASEN3I lathe G code

G001Fast mobile positioning
※G01Straight line repair
G02Arc gap (CW, Clockwise Clock)
G03Arc gap repair (CCW, counter clock)
G09Correct stop
G10Program parameters / correction input
G11Program parameter / correction input mode cancelled
※G172X-Y plane selection
※G18Z-x plane selection
※G19Y-Z plane selection
※G206Imperial input
G21Metric input
G270Reference point reset check
G28Automatic reference point reset
G29Reset from reference point
G30Reset of reference points 2, 3 and 4
G31Jumping function
G331Thread cutting
G34Variable thread cutting
G370Automatic tool correction
*G407Tool diameter correction cancellation
G41Tool diameter correction (left side)
G42Tool diameter correction (right side)
G46Tool diameter correction (automatic direction selection)
G520Local coordinate system setting
G53Selection of mechanical coordinate system
※G5412Workpiece coordinate system selection 1
G55Workpiece coordinate system selection 2
G56Workpiece coordinate system selection 3
G57Workpiece coordinate system selection 4
G58Workpiece coordinate system selection 5
G59Workpiece coordinate system selection 6
G6113Correct stop check mode
G62Automatic angle speed control
G63Tapping mode
G64Cutting mode
G709Finish cutting cycle
G71Straight turning rough cutting cycle
G72End face rough cutting cycle
G73Spindle table movement in rough machining cycle
G74End cutting cycle
G75Straight turning cycle
G76Thread cutting cycle
G77From cutting cycle
G78Tooth fixation cycle
G79End cutting fixed cycle
G80Machining hole cycle command cancel
G83Deep drilling cycle (Z-axis)
G84Tapping cycle (Z axis)
G85Boring cycle (Z axis)
G87Deep hole drilling cycle (x-axis)
G88Tapping cycle (x-axis)
G89Boring cycle (x-axis)
※G903Absolute value command
※G91Incremental value command
G920Coordinate system setting / spindle speed setting
※G945Asynchronous feed (feed per minute)
※G95Synchronous feed (feed per revolution)
※G9617Cycle speed control on
※G97Cycle speed must be controlled off
*G9810Fixed cycle
Initial value reversion
G99Fixed cycle
R-point reset

28. Huaxing lathe G code

G00Fast positioning
G01Linear interpolation
G02Clockwise circular interpolation
G03Counterclockwise circular interpolation
G09Feed quasi stop
G20Independent subroutine call
G22Independent subroutine definition
G24When the independent subroutine definition is finished, return to the calling program
G25Jump processing
G26Block call subroutine call in machining program
G27Infinite loop
G30Magnification cancellation
G31Magnification definition
G47Short linear speed automatic transition
G54~G59Workpiece coordinate system selection
G71Internal and external circular cutting
G72Face cutting compound cycle
G73Closed contour compound cycle
G74Return to machine reference point (mechanical origin)
G75Return to tool setting point
G76Return to machining start point
G77Restore the current coordinate system
G81Cylindrical machining cycle
G82End face machining cycle
G85Inch rigid tapping cycle
G86Metric thread machining cycle
G87Inch thread machining cycle
G90Absolute value mode programming
G91Incremental value programming
G92Set program zero
G96Constant linear speed cutting is effective
G97Cancel constant linear speed cutting
G98Cancel feed per revolution
G99Set feed per revolution
P = parameter assignment

29. Huaxing lathe M code

M01Conditional stop
M02Program end and shutdown
M03Spindle forward rotation
M04Spindle reversal
M05Spindle stop
M06Cooling on
M07Cooling off
M08Workpiece clamping
M09Workpiece loosening
M10Turn on the specified relay
M11Turn off the specified relay
M20Set tool complement number
M21The program ends and returns to the beginning of the program
M71~M85Relay pulse output

30. Huaxing milling machine G code

G01linear interpolation
G02Clockwise arc interpolation or spiral interpolation
G03Counterclockwise arc interpolation or spiral interpolation
G09Servo quasi stop in place
G11The block is mirrored along the Y axis
G12The block is mirrored along the X axis
G13The program block is processed by mirror image at the origin
G17Select the xoy plane
G18Select the x0z plane
G19Select the y0z plane
G20Subroutine call
G22subprogram declaration
G24The subroutine definition ends and returns to the calling program
G25Jump processing
G26Transfer processing
G27Infinite loop
G30Zoom in / out magnification cancel
G31Definition of magnification / reduction ratio
G40Cancel tool radius compensation
G41Left tool radius compensation
G42Right tool radius compensation
G43Establish tool length compensation
G44Undo tool length compensation
G47Short linear speed automatic transition
G48Cancel the automatic transition of short linear speed
G54~G59Workpiece coordinate system selection
G73High speed deep hole machining cycle
G74Return to machine reference point (mechanical origin)
G75Return to tool setting point
G76Return to program zero from current position
G78Fine boring cycle
G81Central hole drilling cycle
G82Central drilling cycle with pause
G83Deep hole machining cycle
G84Metric rigid tapping cycle
G85Inch rigid tapping cycle
G86Boring cycle (automatic return)
G87Reverse boring cycle
G88Boring cycle (manual return)
G89Boring cycle with pause
G90Absolute value mode programming
G91Incremental value programming
G92Set workpiece coordinate system
P = parameter assignment

31. Huaxing milling machine M code

M00Program pause
M01L ××(K ××)
M02Program end and shutdown
M03Spindle forward rotation
M04Spindle reversal
M05Spindle stop
M08Cooling on
M09Cooling off
M10Workpiece clamping
M11Workpiece loosening
M20K ×× Relay No
M21K ×× shut ×× Relay No
M30The program ends and returns to the beginning of the program
M71~M85Relay pulse output

32. Renhe 32T Gcode

G code Explain
G00quick point positioning instructions
G01Linear interpolation instruction
G02、G03Circular interpolation instruction
G04Program delay instruction
G26、G27Return to starting point instruction
G22、G80Program loop instruction
G23Rectangular loop instruction
G37、G38G39、G36Return hard reference point command
G82、G83Thread cycle command
G46、G47G48、G49Return soft reference point command
G96、G97Constant linear speed cutting function

33. Renhe 32T M code

M00Program pause instruction
M02Program end instruction
M30Spindle stop, program end command
M20Automatic cycle command
M03Spindle forward rotation command
M04Spindle reverse command
M05Spindle stop command
M06Wait for instructions after sending a letter
M26Sending instructions
M21Wait for instructions after sending a letter
M97Program jump instruction
M98Subroutine call instruction
M99Subroutine return instruction

34. SKY 2003N M G-code

G00011Positioning (fast moving)
G01Linear interpolation (feed)
G02Arc interpolation (clockwise)
G03Arc interpolation (counterclockwise)
G02+ZRight helix interpolation
G03+ZLeft spiral interpolation
G17041XY plane selection
G181ZX plane selection
G19YZ plane selection
G40071Tool compensationerase
G41Tool compensation left
G42Tool compensation right
G4308Tool length forward compensation
G44Tool length negative compensation
G49Tool length compensation erasure
G5011Zoom, mirror off
G5111Zoom, mirror on
G5414Workpiece coordinate system 1 Selection
G55Workpiece coordinate system 2 selection
G56Workpiece coordinate system 3 selection
G57Workpiece coordinate system 4 selection
G58Workpiece coordinate system 5 Selection
G59Workpiece coordinate system 6 selection
G6803Coordinate rotation
G6903Coordinate rotation erasure
G7315Step cycle
G74Counter attack tooth circulation (machining center)
G76Fine boring cycle (machining center)
G80Fixed cycle erasure
G81Drilling and spot facing cycle
G82Drilling and reverse boring cycle
G83Deep hole drilling cycle
G84Tapping circulation
G85/G86Boring cycle
G87Reverse boring cycle
G88/G89Boring cycle
G9000Absolute value programming
G91Incremental value programming
G9205Coordinate system setting
G9816Return to initial plane
G99Return to r-point plane

35. SKY 2003N M Mcode

AM00,M01,M02The program stops, the program chooses to stop, and the program ends
BM03,M04,M05Spindle forward rotation, spindle reverse rotation, spindle stop
CM06Automatic tool change
DM08,M09Coolant on, coolant off
EM98,M99Call the subroutine and the subroutine returns

Variations Across Different CNC Machines

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines vary significantly in their capabilities, configurations, and specific interpretations of G codes and M codes. Understanding these variations is crucial for CNC programmers and operators to ensure precise and efficient machining processes.

Types of CNC Machines by Number of Axes

2-Axis CNC Machines

2-axis CNC machines operate on the X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) axes. These machines are typically used for straightforward operations such as making straight-line cuts, drilling holes, or processing a single surface of a workpiece without needing to reposition it. They are commonly used in industries like woodworking and simple metalworking tasks.

3-Axis CNC Machines

3-axis CNC machines add the Z-axis (depth) to the X and Y axes, allowing for more complex machining in three dimensions. These machines can handle a variety of tasks, such as milling, drilling, and cutting, making them the most common type of CNC machine. They are widely used in manufacturing components for the automotive and aerospace industries.

4-Axis CNC Machines

4-axis CNC machines incorporate an additional rotational axis (A-axis) to the three linear axes (X, Y, Z). This rotational axis allows the cutting tool or workpiece to rotate, enabling the creation of more complex geometries and cutouts along an arc. They are particularly useful in tasks like engraving curved surfaces or machining cylindrical objects, often found in jewelry making and advanced metalworking.

5-Axis CNC Machines

5-axis CNC machines feature two additional rotational axes (B-axis and C-axis) on top of the three linear axes. These machines enable simultaneous multi-surface machining, allowing the cutting tool or work table to pivot. This capability is essential for producing intricate parts with complex geometries, commonly used in industries like aerospace and medical device manufacturing.

6-Axis CNC Machines

6-axis CNC machines include a third rotational direction (B-axis) in addition to the five axes of a 5-axis machine. This configuration allows for creating parts with any possible surface finish by involving all conceivable movement directions of the cutting tool and workpiece. They are frequently used in applications requiring extremely high precision and complex surface finishes, such as in the production of high-end automotive components.

7-Axis CNC Machines

7-axis CNC machines combine three traditional axes for cutting tool movement, three axes for rotating the workpiece, and a seventh axis (E-axis) that rotates the arm holding the cutting tool. These machines are designed for producing highly complex parts, often used in the aerospace, medical, and military industries for components like turbine blades and orthopedic implants.

9-Axis CNC Machines

9-axis CNC machines combine the functions of a 5-axis milling machine and a 4-axis lathe. This allows the milling machine to work on the surface while the lathe completes internal features of the workpiece, enabling the creation of both internal and external features in a single setup. These machines are ideal for producing complex components like dental implants and surgical tools.

12-Axis CNC Machines

12-axis CNC machines are the most complex, featuring two cutting heads that can move in all six possible axes (X, Y, Z, A, B, and C). These machines significantly enhance accuracy and production speed but are generally reserved for highly specialized applications, such as advanced aerospace components.

Machine Configurations

CNC Milling Machines

CNC milling machines are available in vertical and horizontal configurations.

  • Vertical CNC Machines: These machines have a vertically oriented spindle and are ideal for high-volume, rapid projects. They are valued for their precision, efficiency, and ability to meet tight tolerances. However, they often lack pallet changers, meaning part loading and cutting occur in the same area. Common applications include machining flat surfaces and cavities, often used in mold making and die sinking.
  • Horizontal CNC Machines: These machines feature a horizontally oriented spindle, allowing for more aggressive material removal and better chip evacuation. They can accommodate larger workpieces and perform multiple operations without changing fixtures. They are commonly used in machining complex parts like engine blocks and gearboxes.

CNC Lathes (CNC Turning Centers)

CNC lathes are designed for precision and repeatability, using a cutting tool to remove material from a rotating workpiece. They can be configured with additional “live tools” for milling tasks, which allow the machine to perform secondary operations such as drilling or tapping without moving the workpiece to another machine. CNC lathes are integral to industries such as automotive, aerospace, medical, and defense, often used for producing cylindrical components like shafts and bushings.

Specialized Features

Multi-Axis Machining

Multi-axis machining involves using multiple axes to achieve complex geometries and tight tolerances. This type of machining is more complex and requires specialized machinery and operators with expert knowledge. It is essential for applications requiring intricate designs and precision, such as in the production of aerospace components and medical implants.

Indexed and Continuous 5-Axis CNC Machines

  • Indexed 5-Axis CNC Machines: These machines allow the cutting tool or work table to rotate between operations, giving access to the workpiece from different angles without human intervention. They are faster and more accurate than 3-axis machines but lack the true free-form capabilities of continuous 5-axis machines. Indexed 5-axis machines are often used in the production of parts with angled features, such as turbine blades.
  • Continuous 5-Axis CNC Machines: These machines enable the movement of all five axes simultaneously during machining operations, allowing for highly complex and smooth geometries. This capability is crucial for creating freeform surfaces and intricate details, often required in the aerospace and medical industries for components like complex airfoils and prosthetic devices.

Automatic Tool Changer (ATC)

An ATC is a feature available on various CNC machines that enables the automatic switching of tools, enhancing efficiency and reducing downtime. This feature is particularly useful in operations requiring frequent tool changes, such as in high-volume manufacturing environments.

Variations in G and M Codes

G and M codes can vary between different CNC machines and controllers. For instance, the same G or M code might have different functions or parameters on machines from different manufacturers or using different control systems (e.g., Fanuc, Siemens, Haas). It is crucial for CNC programmers to understand these variations to ensure compatibility and correct machine operation.

By understanding the variations across different CNC machines, programmers and operators can optimize their use of G and M codes to achieve precise and efficient machining processes tailored to the specific capabilities of their equipment.

Integration with CAD/CAM Software

Definition and Workflow

Integration of CAD (Computer-Aided Design) and CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) software is crucial in modern CNC machining. This integration provides a seamless workflow from design to production. Integrated CAD/CAM systems utilize the same design data for both designing and manufacturing. This eliminates the need to export and import data between separate CAD and CAM applications. As a result, the design geometry created in the CAD software is directly utilized by the CAM software to generate tool paths and machining instructions.

Benefits of Integrated CAD/CAM Systems

Elimination of Data Translation Errors

A primary benefit of integrated CAD/CAM systems is the elimination of data translation errors. When CAD and CAM software are separate, exporting design data from CAD and importing it into CAM can lead to inaccuracies. Integrated systems ensure that the CAM software receives accurate geometry from the CAD design. This significantly reduces costly and error-prone data translations.

Improved Collaboration and Organization

Integrated CAD/CAM systems facilitate better collaboration between design and manufacturing teams. By using a single model that supports both design and manufacturing functions, the need for multiple disconnected files is reduced. All teams work with the latest design iteration, leading to more efficient workflows and quicker turnaround times.

Simplified Workflow

The integrated workflow of CAD/CAM systems reduces the time-consuming iterations required when design changes occur. Changes made to the CAD design are automatically reflected in the CAM tool paths. This streamlining reduces rework and ensures that any modifications in the design phase are promptly incorporated into the manufacturing phase, enhancing overall efficiency.

Reduced Production Costs and Improved Accuracy

By eliminating data translation errors and ensuring that the CAM software uses the exact design geometry, integrated CAD/CAM systems improve manufacturing accuracy. This improvement reduces production costs associated with errors and rework. The seamless transition from design to manufacturing ensures that the final product adheres closely to the original design specifications, enhancing product quality. For example, a study showed that companies utilizing integrated CAD/CAM systems experienced up to a 30% reduction in production time and a 25% decrease in errors.

Automation of Manufacturing Processes

Integrated CAD/CAM systems enable automation by using the same data formats and interfaces. This allows for the automatic generation of CNC programs, including tool selection, speeds, and feeds based on design data such as tolerances and surface finish information. Automation minimizes manual input, reduces errors, and accelerates the production process.

Integrated Validation Tools

These systems often include modules for validating designs before machining operations begin. Integrated validation tools, such as G-code machine simulations, help eliminate dry runs and avoid costly machine collisions and programming errors. By simulating the entire machining process, potential issues can be identified and resolved before actual production begins.

Enhanced Efficiency and Reduced Training Time

Working within a familiar CAD environment reduces training time for CAM users. The continuous workflow and associativity with the CAD model ensure faster and more productive work processes. Users can leverage their existing knowledge of CAD tools to transition efficiently to CAM tasks, streamlining the learning curve.

Case Studies and Practical Applications

Companies like CP-Carrillo LLC have leveraged integrated CAD/CAM solutions, such as SOLIDWORKS and CAMWorks, to automate design and part programming. These integrations have led to significant reductions in lead time, design time, CNC programming time, and scrap/rework. For instance, they reported a 40% decrease in programming time and a 20% reduction in lead times. Such case studies highlight the tangible benefits of adopting integrated CAD/CAM systems in real-world manufacturing environments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to some frequently asked questions:

What are G codes and M codes in CNC machining?

In CNC machining, G codes and M codes are essential programming languages that dictate the machine’s operations. G codes, which stand for “geometry,” are primarily responsible for directing the machine’s movements and cutting actions. They instruct the CNC machine to perform specific geometric operations like moving in straight lines, circles, or other defined paths. Examples of G codes include G00 for rapid positioning, G01 for linear interpolation, G02 for circular interpolation in a clockwise direction, and G03 for circular interpolation in a counterclockwise direction. These codes use Cartesian coordinates (X, Y, Z) to specify tool positions and movements, with other letters like A, T, F, R, I, and J designating additional movements or geometric locations.

On the other hand, M codes, referred to as “miscellaneous” or “machine” codes, control non-geometric functions. These codes manage tasks such as starting or stopping the spindle, changing tools, activating coolant systems, and halting the program. Examples of M codes include M00 for a program stop, M01 for an optional program stop, M02 for ending the program, M03 for spindle on clockwise, M04 for spindle on counterclockwise, M05 for spindle stop, M06 for tool change, M08 for flood coolant on, and M09 for coolant off. M codes are crucial for controlling various machine functions unrelated to the tool’s geometric movement, and they must be used precisely to avoid programming conflicts.

G and M codes can vary across different CNC machines due to machine-specific dialects, affecting numerical formatting and code interpretation. Therefore, CNC programmers must be familiar with the specific coding requirements of the equipment they are using to ensure accurate machining processes. Together, G codes and M codes work in CNC programs to achieve desired machining operations, with G codes providing geometric instructions and M codes managing auxiliary functions. This integration is facilitated by computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software, which can generate complex programs and optimize tooling paths, although manual programming is also possible with proper expertise.

How do G codes control the motion of a CNC machine?

G codes are essential for controlling the motion of a CNC machine by providing specific instructions that dictate how the machine should operate to create parts. These codes can command various types of movements, including rapid positioning (G00) for quickly moving the tool without cutting, and linear interpolation (G01) for moving the tool in a straight line at a defined feed rate during cutting operations. Additionally, G codes allow for circular movements through commands like G02 and G03, which instruct the machine to move in clockwise or counterclockwise arcs, respectively.

Positioning modes are also controlled by G codes. For instance, G90 sets the machine to absolute positioning, where movements are referenced from a fixed origin, while G91 enables incremental positioning, where movements are based on the current tool position.

Speed and feed rates are managed through various G codes as well. G94 and G95 specify how the feed rate is interpreted—either per minute or per revolution of the spindle—while G96 and G97 control the surface speed and spindle speed, respectively.

The machine’s operational plane is selected using G codes like G17, G18, and G19, which define whether the tool will move in the XY, XZ, or YZ plane, respectively. This selection is crucial in multi-axis machining to ensure proper tool path execution.

Furthermore, G codes can include miscellaneous commands, such as G04 for dwell, which pauses the machine for a specific duration, allowing for processes like cooling or stabilizing spindle speed.

Overall, G codes are interpreted by the CNC machine’s microcontroller, which translates these high-level instructions into precise motor actions, enabling accurate and controlled machining processes. Each line of G code, known as a block, can encompass multiple commands, ensuring a seamless operation tailored to the machining requirements.

What are some common examples of M codes?

M-codes are essential commands in CNC machining that control various machine functions. Here are some common examples along with their functions:

  • M00: Program stop. Halts all machine operations for operator intervention or inspection.
  • M01: Optional program stop. Similar to M00 but can be bypassed based on settings or operator preference.
  • M02: End of program. Indicates the completion of the machining process.
  • M03: Spindle on clockwise. Activates spindle rotation in a clockwise direction.
  • M04: Spindle on counterclockwise. Commands the spindle to rotate counterclockwise.
  • M05: Spindle stop. Stops spindle rotation.
  • M06: Tool change. Facilitates changing the tool.
  • M07: Mist coolant on. Turns on mist coolant.
  • M08: Flood coolant on. Activates flood coolant.
  • M09: Coolant off. Deactivates both mist and flood coolants.
  • M10: Clamp on. Engages the clamp.
  • M11: Clamp off. Disengages the clamp.
  • M19: Spindle orientation. Sets the spindle to a specific orientation.
  • M30: End of program, rewind, and reset. Signals the end of the program and resets the machine to its starting point.
  • M98: Subprogram call. Calls a subprogram within the main program.
  • M99: Return from subprogram. Returns control from a subprogram to the main program.

These M-codes are fundamental for controlling machine functions, ensuring precise and efficient CNC machining operations.

How do G and M codes vary between different CNC machines?

G and M codes, while standardized, exhibit significant variations across different CNC machines due to several key factors.

Firstly, the numerical formatting of these codes can differ. Some machines may require leading zeros (for example, usingG03instead ofG3), and the spacing between commands may also vary, which can lead to execution errors if not properly understood.

Secondly, the interpretation of the same G or M code can differ from one machine to another. For instance, a specific G code might serve one function on a particular machine but could have an entirely different application on another. This variability is especially pronounced with M codes, which can be more tailored and machine-specific. Additionally, certain machines may utilize proprietary coding systems, such as Mazak’s Mazatrol, diverging from standard G and M codes.

Furthermore, the use of additional letters and numbers in these codes can vary based on the machine’s capabilities. For example, the representation of coordinates and auxiliary functions may differ in machines with varying axes. Letters like A, B, and C can have distinct meanings depending on the configuration of the machine, impacting how rotational values or auxiliary axes are defined.

Customization is another important aspect, particularly with M codes, which can be highly specific to the machine’s design. An M code that performs a function on one machine may not yield the same results on another due to these customizations. Additionally, proprietary coding systems developed by manufacturers can complicate compatibility across different machines.

Finally, programming software such as CAM tools can influence how G and M codes are generated and interpreted. While these tools can produce code optimized for specific machines, programmers must remain aware of the unique requirements of each machine to ensure accuracy and functionality.

In conclusion, despite the standardized nature of G and M codes, their implementation and interpretation can vary greatly between different CNC machines, making it essential for operators and programmers to have a comprehensive understanding of the specific machine’s coding requirements.

Can CAD/CAM software generate G and M codes automatically?

Yes, CAD/CAM software can automatically generate G and M codes. This capability streamlines the process of converting design models into executable instructions for CNC machines, significantly enhancing productivity and reducing the potential for errors.

CAD/CAM software integrates the design phase with the manufacturing phase. It uses the 3D CAD model geometry to automatically generate G codes, which dictate the geometric movements of the machine, such as tool paths, cutting speeds, and feed rates. This eliminates the need for manual programming and ensures precise control over the machining operations.

In addition to G codes, CAM software also generates M codes, which manage auxiliary machine operations like starting and stopping the spindle, tool changes, and coolant control. These codes ensure efficient and smooth transitions between different operations.

The typical workflow involves:

  1. Designing the part using CAD software.
  2. Importing the CAD model into CAM software.
  3. Defining machining parameters and toolpaths.
  4. Simulating the tool path to verify the process.
  5. Generating the G and M codes.
  6. Post-processing the codes for compatibility with the specific CNC machine.
  7. Transferring the G and M codes to the CNC machine for execution.

This automated process improves productivity, reduces development costs, and enhances product quality by minimizing human errors.

What is the importance of understanding G and M codes for CNC programming?

Understanding G and M codes is crucial for effective and efficient CNC (Computer Numerical Control) programming for several key reasons:

G codes, which control the geometric movements of the CNC machine, are essential for achieving precise and repeatable part production. These codes dictate how the machine tool should move, whether in a straight line, circular motion, or at a specific feed rate, ensuring accuracy and reducing material waste.

M codes handle miscellaneous machine operations such as starting and stopping the spindle, tool changes, and coolant control. They are vital for ensuring the machine functions efficiently, enabling smooth transitions and maintaining productivity.

Both G and M codes work together to automate and control complex manufacturing tasks, allowing CNC machines to execute intricate designs with minimal supervision. This automation frees operators to focus on other production areas, making CNC machines highly flexible and capable of manufacturing a wide range of parts.

Despite the advancements in CAD/CAM software that simplify the generation of these codes, manual programming skills remain important. Understanding G and M codes is necessary for fine-tuning operations, troubleshooting issues, and making custom adjustments that software cannot fully automate. This knowledge helps optimize the machining process by identifying areas for improvement, reducing cycle times, and maximizing the use of tools and machines.

A basic understanding of these codes also allows machinists to adapt their knowledge to different CNC machines, facilitating interoperability and reducing the learning curve when working with new equipment. This adaptability is crucial for avoiding programming conflicts and operational errors.

In industries requiring high precision, such as aerospace or medical device manufacturing, expertise in G and M codes is indispensable for producing complex parts accurately and efficiently. Skilled machinists knowledgeable in these codes are essential for maintaining the high standards required in these fields.

Finally, understanding G and M codes helps reduce errors and improve troubleshooting capabilities. Experienced machinists can quickly identify and correct errors, optimizing setup and run times, reducing costs, and enhancing productivity.

How do you select the appropriate G-codes and M-codes for programming based on different CNC systems?

To select the appropriate G-codes and M-codes for programming based on different CNC systems, a comprehensive approach considering system specifics, processing requirements, and industry best practices is essential. Here’s an optimized explanation:

System-Specific Knowledge:

Thoroughly understand the characteristics and capabilities of the specific CNC system you’re working with (e.g., Fanuc, Siemens, Heidenhain). Each system may have unique implementations of G and M codes, custom cycles, or proprietary functions. Consult the manufacturer’s programming manuals and keep updated on the latest firmware versions and supported features.

Code Functionality and Hierarchy:

Master the fundamental functions of G and M codes:

  • G-codes: Motion control, coordinate system selection, canned cycles, etc.
  • M-codes: Auxiliary functions like spindle control, coolant management, tool changes.
    Understand the modal nature of certain codes and their hierarchy within the control system to avoid conflicts and ensure proper execution.

Process-Driven Selection:

Choose codes based on the specific machining operations and part requirements:

  • For contouring: G01 (linear interpolation), G02/G03 (circular interpolation)
  • For rapid movements: G00 (rapid positioning)
  • For complex geometries: Consider using parametric programming or canned cycles
  • For tool management: Appropriate M-codes for tool changes and coolant control

Optimization for Efficiency:

Select codes that optimize machining efficiency:

  • Use high-speed machining codes when applicable (e.g., G05.1 for Fanuc)
  • Implement canned cycles (e.g., G81 for drilling) to reduce program length and simplify programming
  • Utilize advanced features like tool center point control (TCPC) for 5-axis machining when available

Coordinate Systems and Workpiece Setup:

Properly select and utilize coordinate system codes:

  • G54-G59 for workpiece coordinate systems
  • G17/G18/G19 for plane selection in circular interpolation and canned cycles
    Consider using features like coordinate system rotation (G68) for multi-sided machining when appropriate.

Safety and Compliance:

Incorporate safety-related codes and best practices:

  • Use M00 (program stop) or M01 (optional stop) for critical inspection points
  • Implement G43 (tool length compensation) to prevent collisions
  • Include M30 (program end and rewind) to ensure proper program termination

Machine-Specific Optimizations:

Leverage machine-specific features:

  • For high-speed machining centers: Use look-ahead functions (e.g., G05.1 Q1 for Fanuc)
  • For multi-axis machines: Implement RTCP (Rotation Tool Center Point) functions when available
  • For turn-mill centers: Utilize specialized codes for synchronizing spindles and live tooling

Testing and Validation:

Rigorously test your code selections:

  • Use simulation software to verify tool paths and identify potential issues
  • Perform dry runs and single block execution to ensure proper code functionality
  • Validate the program on the actual machine, starting with reduced feed rates for safety

Documentation and Standardization:

Develop and maintain a standardized code library for common operations within your organization. This promotes consistency, reduces programming errors, and facilitates knowledge transfer among team members.

By following this comprehensive approach, you can select the most appropriate G and M codes for your specific CNC system, ensuring efficient, safe, and optimized machining processes. Remember to continuously update your knowledge as CNC technology and programming techniques evolve.

In practical CNC machining, how can G-codes and M-codes be effectively combined to enhance machining efficiency and precision?

In practical CNC machining, effectively combining G-codes and M-codes is crucial for enhancing machining efficiency and precision. This integration requires a deep understanding of both code types and their strategic application within the machining process.

G-codes, which control tool movement and cutting operations, form the backbone of CNC programming. Key G-codes include G00 (rapid positioning), G01 (linear interpolation), G02/G03 (circular interpolation), and G81-G89 (canned cycles for drilling, boring, and tapping). M-codes, on the other hand, manage auxiliary functions such as coolant control (M08/M09), spindle control (M03/M04/M05), and tool changes (M06).

To optimize machining efficiency and precision:

  1. Streamline tool paths: Utilize advanced G-code functions like G70 (finishing cycle) and G71-G73 (stock removal cycles) for efficient material removal. Implement high-speed machining techniques using G05 (high-speed mode) when appropriate, reducing cycle times while maintaining accuracy.
  2. Optimize cutting parameters: Combine G96 (constant surface speed control) with appropriate M-codes for spindle speed control to maintain optimal cutting conditions throughout the process, especially for parts with varying diameters.
  3. Intelligent coolant management: Use M08/M09 in conjunction with through-tool coolant activation (e.g., M88) at critical points in the program. This ensures proper cooling and chip evacuation, particularly during high-precision operations or when machining difficult materials.
  4. Adaptive tool changes: Implement smart tool change strategies using M06 in combination with tool life monitoring G-codes (G43.4 for tool length compensation). This minimizes unnecessary tool changes while ensuring consistent machining quality.
  5. Coordinate system optimization: Utilize multiple coordinate systems (G54-G59) in conjunction with G92 (coordinate system setting) to minimize setup times for complex parts or multi-operation jobs.
  6. Probing and in-process measurement: Integrate probing cycles (G31) with M-codes for automatic workpiece alignment and in-process dimension checking, enhancing overall precision and reducing scrap rates.
  7. Macro programming: Develop custom macros that combine G-codes and M-codes for frequently repeated operations. This not only improves programming efficiency but also ensures consistency in complex machining sequences.
  8. Optimized acceleration/deceleration: Use G05.1 (AI contour control) in conjunction with appropriate M-codes for servo control to optimize machine dynamics, particularly for complex contours or high-speed operations.
  9. Synchronized auxiliary operations: Coordinate M-codes for auxiliary functions (e.g., pallet changes, bar feeders) with G-code sequences to minimize non-cutting time and maximize machine utilization.
  10. Advanced canned cycles: Utilize specialized canned cycles like G76 (fine boring cycle) or G83 (peck drilling cycle) in combination with appropriate M-codes for coolant and spindle control to optimize challenging operations.

By strategically combining these G-codes and M-codes, CNC programmers can significantly enhance both machining efficiency and precision. This approach requires a thorough understanding of the machine’s capabilities, the workpiece material properties, and the specific requirements of each machining operation. Continuous optimization and refinement of these code combinations, based on real-world performance data and emerging technologies, will further push the boundaries of CNC machining capabilities.

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G and M Codes List in CNC Machining | MachineMFG (2025)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.