1. Bentley Bear's Crystal Quest 7800 - Atari
In this sequel to Crystal Castles, you'll find power-ups, hidden paths, a challenging variety of enemies...and one adorable bear.
SEARCH FOR THE STOLEN CRYSTALS OF LIFE!Bentley Bear’s nemesis, Berthilda the Witch, has exacted her revenge and stolen the Five Crystals of Life, plunging the world into chaos! You need to brave the various realms in order to recover each of the crystals and complete your Quest! Along the way, you’ll meet enemies new a
2. Bentley Bear's Crystal Quest (Atari 7800) (Retro Consoles) kopen
Het is aan jou om door diverse werelden te reizen, elk kristal terug te vinden en je queeste te voltooien. Onderweg kom je zowel oude als nieuwe vijanden tegen ...
Bentley Bear’s aartsvijand, Berthilda de Heks, heeft wraak genomen door de Vijf Kristallen van het Leven te stelen en de wereld in chaos te storten! Het is aan jou om door diverse werelden te reizen, elk kristal terug te vinden en je queeste te voltooien. Onderweg kom je zowel oude als nieuwe vijanden tegen in dit gloednieuwe spel.
In dit vervolg op Crystal Castles vind je power-ups, verborgen paden, een uitdagende variatie aan vijanden… en natuurlijk een schattige beer. Alles wat een platformfan zich kan wensen!
- Razendsnelle 2D-platformactie
- Verborgen wereld met 8 extra levels
- Fantastische soundtrack en geluidseffecten die optimaal gebruik maken van de kracht van de 7800
- Thumbstick-knopcombinaties afgestemd op de 7800-gamepadcontroller
- Origineel verpakkingsontwerp door kunstenaar Glen Brogan
- Geprogrammeerd door Robert DeCrescenzo, een getalenteerd lid van Atari’s homebrew-community
- Compatibel met Atari 7800+, 7800 en 2600+ consoles
3. REVIEW: Bentley Bear's Crystal Quest by Atari 7800 Forever
Bentley Bear's Crystal Quest is a completely original homebrew game from the mind of Pac Man Plus (Bob Decrescenzo) and his motley crew of programming pals.
4. Video Game Review: Bentley Bear's Crystal Quest (Atari 7800, 2017/2024)
2 dec 2024 · You can buy Bentley Bear's Crystal Quest from Amazon here, or it's bundled with the Atari 7800+ and a wireless controller, making that package ...
See AlsoSensou Douwa 6 On FunimationNo, those years of release aren’t a mistake; Bentley Bear’s Crystal Quest really was a new game, produced in 2017 by Atari Age for the underrated, underappreciated Atari 7800 console. I…
5. Bentley Bear's Crystal Quest - poly.play
Bentley Bear's nemesis, Berthilda the Witch, has exacted her revenge and stolen the Five Crystals of Life, plunging the world into chaos!
Developer: Atari Publisher: Atari System: Atari 2600+, 7800 and 7800+ Edition features: New PAL version Wrapped in foil (Illustration similar)
6. Atari 7800 Bentley Bear Crystal Quest Atari 7800+ Control Issues
Bentley Bear's Crystal Quest was a marvel when it was released in 2014, and it continues to be universally regarded as one of the top 5 games available for the ...
Funkmaster V's Atari 7800 Articles and Such
7. Crystal Quest (2014) - MobyGames
29 mrt 2020 · You play as Bentley Bear in a side-scrolling platform game. Your task is to retrieve the five crystals of life that were stolen by your enemy ...
Crystal Quest is a homebrew game and an unofficial sequel to Crystal Castles, with very different gameplay. You play as Bentley Bear in a side-scrolling platform game. Your task is to retrieve the five crystals of life that were stolen by your enemy...
8. Atari 7800 Bentley Bears Crystal Quest - Spel & Sånt
Bentley Bear's nemesis, Berthilda the Witch, has exacted her revenge and stolen the Five Crystals of Life, plunging the world into chaos! You need to brave the ...